One of the hardest things about having anxiety is trying to explain what it actually feels like. Putting it into words isn't easy, mainly because I don't quite understand how I feel most of the time. I often find myself saying it's not me being anti social or over dramatic, it's me having thoughts running through my head in every single direction and them often bumping into one another. However, even then people don't seem to get it, which is when I tried to write it down:
- It's wanting to move on with my life but always second guessing every decision I make.
- It's wanting to stand tall and proud but feeling that I have a constant weight sitting on my head, neck and shoulders.
- It's wanting to try something new but being stopped by the constant fear of failing.
- It's wanting to get up every day and be productive but not having the urge or drive to do anything.
- It's wanting to have friends but fearing every unknown social situation.
- It's wanting freedom but knowing that it's outside of your comfort zone.
- It's wanting to relax but having a constant voice in your head telling you something isn't right, but having no clue what.
- It's wanting to stay afloat but constantly feeling like you're being pushed back under water.
- It's wanting to live a healthy lifestyle but having a constant burning sensation in the pit of your stomach.
I know anxiety is different for everyone, and what I've wrote only scratches the surface of what it's like to live every day with anxiety. Even then, I think writing down how it makes me feel to show people is much easier than trying to explain it over and over. I would be interested to know how anxiety makes you feel, let me know in the comments.